Ready to streamline operations & catapult growth?

Let’s build a SCALABLE SELLABLE Business

with MC2 Value Acceleration Coaching

You’ve built a successful business, now what?

  • Ready to expand, but don’t know how to make it happen or where to focus your energy?

  • It is time to streamline operations to free up capacity to start down the path to growth?

  • Are there top performers eager to take on more or perhaps the next generation is ready to step forward.

  • The process to get a business ready to maximize sale value is a 2-3 year journey, are you ready to walk this journey?

Ready to see where your business is at today

& discuss areas to focus on?

Book a FREE 60-minute Business Health Assessment Call

Not sure where to start.

Want to chat about where you & your business are at?

Book a 30-minute no-obligation call

Busines Health Assessment

Imagine having a tool that could unlock hidden value in your business.

A FREE business health assessment will:

  1. Uncover your Value Score

  2. Provide industry comparators on the 8 drivers of value

  3. Deliver an estimate of what your company value is today

You will receive a link to complete your Business Health Assessment by booking a FREE call.  

Once the assessment is completed you will receive a summary of your Value Score right away. 

On the 60-minute call, we will:

  • Create a clear picture of where your business stands

  • Determine the actions needed to take it to the next level

  • Identify quick wins to grow your bottom line

  • Discuss what working together could look like

What you can expect:


  • Say goodbye to distractions and competing priorities.

  • Ensure you know who owns what ‘seat’ and solid accountability structures are in place.

  • No more communication breakdowns, inconsistent delivery, and lack of accountability.

  • Tracking the right things allows for informed decision-making

  • No more rehashing the same things over and over. Resolve issues once and for all.

“Merin is a strategist who lays tangible methods for a company to get traction towards its ultimate goals.”

— Aqeel W, Business Owner

With the MC2 Value Acceleration Coaching program, we will guide you through a step-by-step process to get you and your business ready for the next chapter.

Whether you are seeking growth, transition, or a sale.


  1. We start by completing a BUSINESS HEALTH ASSESSMENT to get your Value Score, see how you stack up on each of the 8 drivers of value, and how you are performing relative to your INDUSTRY.

  2. Next, we will build a plan to address your stumbling blocks to growth and set priority areas with corresponding goals to exceed in the next 12-18 months.

  3. We kick things off with a Planning Day to get clear on the big-picture pieces to move you forward and your desired timeline to get there.

  4. Quarterly workshops to set clear 90-day goals and focus on specific value drivers, work through issues, and ensure the right data is being tracked.

  5. Monthly accountability coaching to keep you on track, deal with challenges, and ensure you gain traction.

Accountability is KEY

We dedicate time monthly to track the progress, work through challenges, and ensure you gain traction. 

Time is our most valuable asset. We break things down into manageable chunks to keep you on track so that you can see the light in the first 90 days.

Get serious about mastering execution with a proven system.

“Merin’s process helped us get the structures in place to enable scalability. We have seen increases in revenue, profits, and efficiencies in how we use our time & resources.”

Jocelyne H, Co- Owner

“Merin's energy is inspiring! I needed someone to confide in with my hopes, dreams, and challenges for my businesses.

Bill Riach, Riach Financial

Her focus holds me accountable to our defined priorities. Merin's continual tough questions helped to streamline and simplify my processes and equip me for growth.”

Bill R, Business Owner

“Merin’s coaching makes me a better leader; makes me better. She keeps us accountable & pushes us into areas we aren’t in right now.”

Jason H, Managing Partner

Jason Horner, Acadia Group of Companies

Wouldn’t it feel great to…


  • Know with confidence you are investing your time in the right places

  • Sleep at night

  • Take a family holiday...knowing you will come back recharged

  • Stop feeling guilty when you aren't at the office


  • Increase REVENUES with better profit MARGINS

  • See productivity gains & tangible efficiencies that reclaim your time

  • Experience better governance & improved accountability

  • Grow the value of your Business

Tips: Building a Sellable Business

  1. Craft a solid foundation

  2. Build a strong management team

  3. Create scaleable marketing & customer acquisition

  4. Ensure financial health & clean books

  5. Secure intellectual property & assets

  6. Identify & mitigate risks

How to grow your company value


1. Identify your HIDDEN ASSETS

2. Spot the silent KILLERS in your business

3. Develop a plan to MAXIMIZE the key drivers of VALUE for your business 

Whether you are ready to sell or transition your business now or want the OPTION to one day, what you do today will impact the value of your business tomorrow.

Ensure your efforts are focused on growing your business’s value.

Focusing efforts that drive value yield:

  • Increased revenue

  • Enhanced internal process

  • More time to focus ON your business

  • CONFIDENCE knowing you aren't leaving money on the table

What's your ENDGAME?

Create a business that is ready and allows you the FREEDOM to live the life you want.


Get your FREE Business Health Assessment + Value Score Now