Unlocking Productivity: My Journey with Time Management 

In the whirlwind of running a business, I've often felt time slipping through my fingers like sand. It's a feeling many of us share, I believe. Here are my three game-changing strategies that have transformed not just my schedule, but my entire approach to work and life. 


  1. The Personal Magic of Time Blocking 


Time blocking has been nothing short of revolutionary for me. It's about dedicating chunks of your day or week to specific tasks or types of work. Think of it as giving your most crucial tasks a VIP pass to the front of the line. I guard my calendar and have designated days each month set aside for client coaching calls and planning days.  Keeping a couple of windows each week for virtual coffees – those random things that land in the calendar.  They can be captivating but also can really jam up a productive work session with stops and starts. This approach has not only skyrocketed my productivity but also made my workweek less stressful and more enjoyable.  What are your must do priorities each day/week or month that need dedicated time?  Block your calendar off and commit to intentional ‘work’ time. 



2. The Transformative Power of Delegation 


Delegation was a tough one for me. It meant letting go, trusting my team, and stepping away from the nitty-gritty. But, oh, the freedom it brings! It's not just about offloading tasks; it's about empowering your team. By delegating, I've seen my team's confidence and capabilities grow – and we've all enjoyed the benefits. 


A client of mine, I’ll call ‘Tom’ is a testament to this. As the founder of a professional services company, he was in the weeds, every day. By hiring a sales team to ensure the pipeline was full and office support personnel to build internal processes, assist with client service delivery, and manage quality control, Tom could focus on the highest value areas:  growth and partnerships. This strategic move not only spurred significant business growth (doubling his revenue in 12 months) but also cultivated a culture of ownership and accountability among his team. 


3. The Unsung Hero: Effective Team Meetings 


In weaving the fabric of time management into the tapestry of our work culture, I've discovered the unsung hero: effective team meetings. These aren't your run-of-the-mill, sigh-inducing meetings. No, these are targeted, purpose-driven gatherings that spark innovation, align goals, and set actions into motion. They're the glue that holds our time-blocked days and delegated tasks together, ensuring we're all moving in the same direction – together.  The trick is discipline: same time, day, length and agenda.  Meetings must start on time and end on time and flow through the agenda without getting bogged down and derailed along the way. 


A Final Note 


Remember, mastering time management isn't about cramming more into each day. It's about making space for what's truly important – for growth, for innovation, and yes, for your well-being. 


Here's to a month filled with productivity, empowerment, and progress. Let's make every moment count. 



Merin Coutts 


The Entrepreneur's Guide to Strategic Planning 


Unleashing My Own Business Potential